Brett and Emily Married at a Mountain || Bear Creek Mountain Resort, Macungie, PA

September weddings on the east coast are turning into an annual thing and I can't complain one bit. The crispness of fall greeted me this time around.
I have a confession to make. Sometimes on a wedding day I can get too caught up in doing my job that I don’t take a step back and watch the newlyweds. I’m always looking for the raw, intimate, genuine moments that tell the story, but I’m not really watching. Does that make sense? I’m looking for it…but I’m not living in it too. For most of my couples, I usually meet them at a consultation and I don’t always have the luxury of knowing them well before booking them. I don’t always know their true demeanor or what their genuine smiles are like without a camera in their face. I don’t always know what makes them comfortable or what their insecurities are which leaves me with a little more legwork (and that’s okay).

As Brett being one of my brother’s best friends since elementary school - I’ve known him most of my life and got to meet Emily through him. I felt like I had the upper hand here knowing Brett and Emily well before their wedding day, but even longstanding relationships surprise you once in a while. I had so much fun watching Brett and Emily come together as husband and wife. If I may be so candid, I think it’s pretty safe to say that anyone who knows Brett knows he’s definitely not an emotional person. I wouldn’t exactly put him in the category of “wearing his heart on his sleeve.” Of my brother and his friends, Brett is typically one of the more level-headed ones in the group. Whenever I’m around Brett, (which is also when I’m with my brother and their whole group of friends) he’s always the one being pretty mellow but with a smile on his face. Emily has always been the sweetest thing and bubbly and just so contagiously happy and that was exactly how she was on her wedding day too. Watching Brett and Emily on their wedding day was one of my favorite experiences. Emily was just as sweet, if not sweeter to me and everyone around her. She was (still is I’m sure) absolutely glowing. Her smile and giddiness was truly the most beautiful detail about that whole day. I’ve seen Brett smile more times on that day than I maybe ever have in my life. From the first look all the way to closing out the reception hall on the dance floor I would look at him and catch him smiling at his beautiful wife. At one point during the reception I glanced over at him to see if he was dancing yet and I saw him watching all his buddies and everyone he loves around him being ridiculous, dancing their butts off and it seemed like Brett was so happy just taking it all in. This time the contagious smiles weren't coming from Emily, but from Brett. That’s one thing I’ve learned about Brett - he always seems the most happy when he’s with his best friends. Looking back through all the photos, I got to relive all of the giddy smiles, pure excitement, and authentic happiness. Emily, I swear looking back at photos of you made me jump back to that specific moment and be filled with warmth. I couldn't stop smiling at my computer screen. Brett and Emily - I think it’s safe to say you married your best friend.

Everything was so thoughtfully put together to represent Emily and Brett. The growler centerpieces and fresh hops in the bouquet tied in their love of beer. They had a table dedicated to loved ones they wished could be at the wedding. Emily wore her mother’s veil and it was gorgeous! Brett’s mom had a handkerchief made out of her wedding dress as a gift to Brett. Emily surprised her dad halfway through the father-daughter dance with a special song. Above all other details they were surrounded by so much love from their closest friends and family. Having a good time and partying with everyone was their top priority.

It was the perfect temperature all day long as the clouds came and went. The vows were funny and sweet. The moods were high all around. The dancing was ridiculous and incredible. I’m strongly considering requesting there be a mosh-pit at all future weddings. The day was perfect.
Emily and Brett, you two are so much fun. You compliment each other so well. After ten years together you did it, you got hitched and let me just say marriage looks REALLY good on you.

V E N D O R S || M A G I C M A K E R S
VENUE: Bear Creek Mountain Resort
EVENT COORDINATION: Lisa Geiger with Bear Creek Mountain Resort
HAIR + MAKE-UP: Alysha Nycole & Co.
FLORIST: Froggy's Garden Flowers
DJ/MUSIC: Craig McCollum with Soundfactor Entertainment
WEDDING GOWN: Allure Bridals
INVITATION SUITE: Kelly Schmidt via Minted
SAVE THE DATES: Factory Made
ESCORT CARDS: Lemon Mint Weddings
MENUS + PROGRAMS: Studio Nellcote DIY
DONUTS: Mary Ann's Donut Kitchen